What is Visuino?

Visuino is the latest innovative software from Mitov Software. A visual programming environment allowing you to program your Arduino boards. It currently supports the official Arduino boards, Raspberry Pi, Teensy, Femto IO, ESP8266, ESP32, Controllino, Goldilocks Analogue, FreeSoC2, chipKIT, micro:bit, Maple Mini, and number of Arduino clones, however it is not restricted to their support alone and requests to support new hardware are welcome.

Download Our latest version!

What's new?

WARNING! If you use version of Visuino Pro, you will need to manually download the new version!

The version of Visuino Pro Automatic Update will download Visuino instead of Visuino Pro. This is due to a bug specific to Visuino Pro version :-( .

The bug has been fixed and affects only version

Here is what is new in -

  • Significantly Improved IDE Speed and user interface
  • The generated code uses Less RAM
  • Added option to Enable/Disable board indexes
  • Added Seeeduino Wio Terminal
  • Added Arduino Portenta H7
  • Added Arduino UNO WiFi Rev.2 support
  • Added Canaduino PLC 500 support
  • Added ESP32 WeMos D1 and ESP32 WeMos D1 Mini support
  • Added RP2040 RTC support
  • Added RP2040 Processor Software Reset, Sleep Mode and Watchdog support
  • Added SAMD Processor module
  • Added STM32 Processor module
  • Added Software Reset for SAMD based boards
  • Added Get Processor ID operations
  • Improved RP2040 USB Serial support
  • Improved Teensy USB Serial support
  • Improved Teensy GPIO support
  • Improved Secured Sockets support
  • Improved Controllino support
  • Completely redesigned Teensy support without the need of Teensyduino to be installed
  • Added Teensy Processor Restart and Reboot operations
  • Added Analog Integrator and Differentiator components
  • Added PCA9633 I2C RGB Led Controller support
  • Added JHD1214 I2C LCD Display support
  • Added Seeeduino Grove 16X2 LCD RGB Backlight Full Color Display support
  • Added Add Value elements to the Set Value, Counter, and Rotary Encoder components
  • Added support for connecting USB Keyboard and Mouse to Samd boards
  • Added Random Alpha Color, and Random RGBW Alpha Color generators
  • Added Ramp To Value Alpha Color, and RGBW Alpha Color components
  • Added Alpha Color, and RGBW Alpha Color converters
  • Added Color to RGBWColor converter component
  • Improved Display Orientation support
  • Added 3D to 2D Orientation converters
  • Added RGBW Alpha Color support
  • Added WrapArround to the 'Extract Sub Text' component, allowing easy implementation of scrolling text
  • Added Clock Structure, and Package elements allowing easy RPC implementation
  • Added Alpha Color, and RGBW Alpha Color Structure, and Package elements
  • Added Alpha Color, and RGBW Alpha Color memory elements
  • Added RGBW Color Value Array
  • Added Color To RGBW Color converter
  • Improved LSM6DS3 support
  • Automatic components path checks at startup
  • Improved Arduino Configuration dialog
  • Added option to copy the HEX File Name Path for simplified usage in Proteus and other hardware simulators
  • More component definitions are now made open source
  • Added support for namespace attributes in the component definitions
  • Simplified component definitions
  • Improved automatic Board Index files support


Click here to download Visuino


We are working to add proper Download pages for the Visuino Pro and the Visuino SDK!

In the meantime you can download them here:

Click here to download Visuino Pro  

Click here to download Visuino Components SDK


Click here to see the Open Source Visuino Components GIT repository